Park Highlights - Rompin Rainforest Lodge

Park Highlights

Rompin State Park, or Taman Negeri Rompin (TNR) is a forest area that is blessed with interesting features of flora and fauna, geology and history. It has a unique natural beauty and pristine forests that are hard to find elsewhere. Among the natural resources available in TNR include 253 species of birds recorded in TNR along with 83 species of mammals including bats, 14 species of snakes, 9 lizards and 3 turtles.

The State Park’s rainforest is perhaps best characterised by its biologically rich lowland mixed dipterocarp formations, which generally predominate below 300m. Various accounts of The Park, however, also pay close attention to the edaphic hill forest formations, in particular the spectacular fan palm forest shrouding the hillsides of Gunung Janing, Gunung Barat and Gunung Tujuh. The fan palms are Livistona endauensis, a species endemic to The Park and its surrounds.

To commemorate the discovery of this unique species, the shape of the palm leaf is used as an icon to the State Park.


Flora and Fauna

For those who love the diversity of flora & fauna and the uniqueness of their habitat, TNR is a special place for a number of factors


High diversity of flora with various species of conservation importance is available here


Population of endemic species Livistona endauensis (Endau Serdang)


Ecologically important to sustaining myriads of umbrella species


Rich and diverse in bird communities and home to some of the most beautiful birds in Malaysia

Endau-Rompin is one of the largest forest complexes in the Peninsula Malaysia. Based on the records of the discovery of wildlife species from large groups of mammals previously recorded in the complex are tigers, elephants, and tapirs. According to the Department of Wildlife, this area has also recorded a species a Sumatran Rhino. While other species of mammals include Wild Boars, and Sambar Deer.

The Endau-Rompin area has been designated by Bird Life International as qualifying for Important Bird Area status due to its important position on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Site Network.

A total of 253 species of birds have recorded in The Park (Chin 2000; Davison 1987), despite there being an impoverished bird fauna in its unique palm and open heath forest (Davison 1987). It is the most important IBA site in the southern peninsula for biome-restricted assemblages particularly the Sundaic lowland forest. One hundred and twenty-one species are dependent upon the habitat, of which 6 are globally threatened (1 Endangered, 5 Vulnerable) and 60 Near Threatened. Other Near Threatened species recorded include the Ichthyophaga humilis (Lesser Fish-eagle) and Buceros bicornis (Great Hornbill).

Rompin Rainforest Lodge.

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